Listen to the Gospel Anywhere You Are Sermons from the bible 231231 sermon Elder Ken Rosander231224 Elder Larry Muirhead Chritsmas Eve - the Good News begins231217 sermon The Christmas story as told by Jesus231210 sermon Elder Larry Muirhead231203 sermon The season of our Redemption231126 sermon Let us have ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord says231119 sermon How do we get victory over the demands of the body231112 sermon Overcome our carnal desires by renewing our souls pt 2231105 sesrmon Overcome our carnal desires by renewing our souls231029 sermon What are you and I doing to save our souls231022 sermon 3 John Pray that we imitate that which is good231015 sermon 3 John Gaius, the practicing Christian231008 sermon 2 John An intimate letter to a dear friend231001 sermon The outcomes we may expect from this letter (orig 150823)230924 sermon Let God's perfect love be made perfect in you pt 2230927 sermon Lot God's perfect love be made perfect in you - pt 1230910 sermon Let our love for God be seen by our love for one another230903 sermon The rule we are to live by - love one another230827 sermon Elder Ken Rosander The Foundation - Torah230820 sermon Elder Ken Rosander Introducing the Torah you may not know230813 Szabi and Maggie Bella Missionaries Hungary230730 sermon Beware of the weakness of the flesh230723 sermon Be wary of the ways of the world (orig 150628)230716 sermon 1 John 3 God's extravagant love for us is our joy230709 sermon Complete joy comes from knowing you are forgiven230702 sermon Your sermon have been forgiven (orig 150510)230625 sermon Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for our sins pt 2230618 sermon Jesus is the atoning sacrifice for our sins230611 sermon Be filled with joy unspeakable and full of glory230604 sermon Through constant fellowship with God and Jesus, our joy is complete230528 sermon The day of Pentecost is here (orig. 052310)230521 sermon Paul preaches the Gospel in Athens230514 sermon God's Love through a mother's heart230507 sermon Jesus ushered in the new covenant230430 sermon The curtain is torn in two from top to bottom230423 sermon Peter runs to Jesus and is restored230416 sermon We all must go one on one with Jesus230409 sermon Resurrection Sunday - One on one with Jesus230402 sermon Palm Sunday - What a momentous time for believers230326 sermon Jesus driven out of Nazareth to Mt Precipice230319 sermon Zacchaeus-Desperately wanting to see Jesus230312 Elder Ken Rosander - My best friend who never knew me230305 Elder Larry Muirhead The Goodness of God in anwering prayer230226 sermon Paul's prayer to the Ephesians - to know Him better230219 sermon Let us boast about understanding and knowing God230212 sermon Jeremiah 9 Boast about knowing the Lord (partial)230205 sermon Elder Larry Muirhead God shall arise and scatter His enemies230129 sermon Don't be afraid, trust in the Lord230122 sermon Follow the nudge of the Holy Spirit230115 sermon Follow the nudge of the Holy Spirit230108 sermon Know God and be ready230101 sermon Be ready221225 sermon Oh those shepherds221224 sermon Mary, the mother of Jesus221224 service Mary, the mother of Jesus221218 sermon Who is Jesus Christ221211 sermon What would you and I have done if we were in Bethlehem at that time221204 sermon The great paradoxes and contrasts of the Christmas story221127 sermon Jesus, thank You for fulfilling Your purpose for coming this world221120 sermon Let us give all thanks to God (orig. '09 + 3x)221113 sermon Acts 9 - The acts of the Holy Spirit221106 sermon Elder Larry Muirhead Are you ready for Christ's return221030 sermon Elder Larry Muirhead Are you ready for Christ's return pt 1221023 sermon We must work out our own salvation221016 sermon Every knee shall bow at the name of Jesus221009 sermon Faith that walks on water pt 4221002 Faith that walks on water pt 3220925 sermon Faith that walks on water pt 2220918 sermon Faith that walks on water pt 1220911 sermon Acts 8 - Philip becomes an evangelist for Christ220904 sermon Elder Ken Rosander - The kingdom of God220828 sermon The church in Jerusalem scatters220821 sermon guest speaker - Simple obedience equals awesome results, or does it220814 sermon Acts 6 As the church grows, others must begin to serve220807 sermon Acts 5_12-42 Speak with faith in the Name of Jesus220731 sermon Acts 4-5 Ananias and Sapphira - Trust God220724 sermon Elder Larry Muirhead Facing your giants220717 sermon Elder Ken Rosander220710 sermon Elder Larry Muirhead God's promises220703 sermon Acts 4 Speak the Word of God boldly220626 sermon Thai Missionary Kathleen McReynolds About Bin Dek Yin Dee and the Holy Spirit220619 sermon Peter's second address to the Jews in Jerusalem220612 sermon Peter's great address to the crowd in Jerusalem220605 sermon The day of Pentecost is here220529 sermon The Apostles select a replacement for Judas220522 sermon Elder Ken Rosander220515 Elder Larry Muirhead The hope of heaven and the fear of hell220508 sermon The ascension of Jesus the Christ220501 sermon Jesus appears to the disciples again220424 sermon Jesus appears to 2 disciples and the apostles on Resurrection day220417 sermon The resurrection of Jesus Christ220410 sermon Palm Sunday, the fulfillment of prophecy220403 sermon A study in Luke pt 66 Recieve the kingdom like a little child220327 Jen McLain of Alpha Center220327 sermon A study in Luke pt 65 The tax collector and the Pharisee220320 The Gideons220320 sermon Pray for our missionaries220313 sermon A study in Luke pt 64 Persistant prayer is what Jesus asks of us220306 sermon A study in Luke pt 63 The sudden return of Christ220227 sermon A study in Luke pt 62 The kingdom of God is God's love220227 Convoy of Hope - Bryan McClees220220 sermon A study in Luke pt 61 The ten lepers - Be thankful220220 Ian Hargis Young Life Capernaum discussion220213 sermon A study in Luke pt 60 Our faith increases as we serve God220206 sermon A study in Luke pt 59 Do not cause others to sin, and forgive220130 sermon A study in Luke pt 58 The rich man and Lazarus pt 2220123 A study in Luke pt 57 The rich man and Lazarus220116 sermon Matthew 5 The Beatitudes pt 2220109 sermon The Beatitudes Matthew 5 pt 1220102 sermon Ken Rosander211226 sermon Elder Larry Muirhead211212 sermon The Incarnation - God becomes a human being211128 sermon Advent - The Messiah is coming211121 sermon God calls us to be a thankful people211114 sermon The Lord's view of the death of His saints211107 Elder Larry Muirhead God won't give up on you211031 sermon Elder Larry Muirhead To be spiritually minded pt. 1 from carnal to spiritual211024 sermon The rewards of good stewardship are great211017 Tithe to honor God as first in our lives211010 sermon A study in Luke pt 56 Turn away from worldly ways211003 sermon A study in Luke pt 55 The spirit of mammon210926 sermon What it means to be baptized210919 sermon A study in Luke pt 54 Be trustworthy in very little210912 sermon A study in Luke pt 53 What is important about a feast210905 sermon A study in Luke pt 52 Jesus is our Elder Brother210829 sermon A study in Luke pt 51 The parable of the lost son pt 2210822 sermon A study in Luke pt 50 The parable to the lost son (pt 1)210815 sermon A study in Luke pt 49 The parable of the lost sheep210808 sermon A study in Luke pt 48 The cost of being a disciple210801 sermon Elder Larry Muirhead John 8, communion verses210725 sermon Elder Ken Rosander Christian Maturity210627 sermon Elder Den Rosander The Armor of God210620 Elder Ken Rosander The characteristics of a great leader from Moses210613 sermon A study in Luke pt 46 Humble yourself before God as Jesus humbled Himself210606 sermon A study in Luke pt 45 Make every effort to enter the narrow210530 sermon A study in Luke pt 44 What is the kingdom of God like210523 sermon Elder Ken Rosander - A prophet's reward pt 2210516 sermon Elder Ken Rosander - A prophet's reward pt 1210509 sermon God's Love through a mother's heart210502 sermon A study in Luke pt 43 Repent and live and mature in your faith210425 sermon Elder Ken Rosander - Let us inquire of the Lord210418 sermon A study in Luke pt 42 Be reconciled to God through Jesus210411 sermon The curtain is torn in two210404 sermon Resurrection Sunday - Parting the Red Sea and the resurrection of Jesus03/28/21 Palm Sunday - Why is it important to us?210307 A study in Luke pt 41 Communion - this is what we are to remember210228 sermon A study in Luke pt 41 Be ready210221 sermon A study in Luke pt 40 Be on your guard against all greed210214 sermon A study in Luke pt 39 Don't be a hypocrite210207 sermon A study in Luke pt 38 Woe to you (2)01/31/21 A study in Luke pt 37 Woe to you01/24/21 A study in Luke pt 36 Believe, and then you will see01/17/21 A study in Luke pt 35 Welcome Jesus Christ into your heart and life01/10/21 A study in Luke pt 34 Be the kingdom of God01/03/21 A study in Luke pt 33 Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit01/12/20 sermon A study in Luke - pt. 101/19/20 A study in Luke - Christ's temptation01/26/20 A study in Luke pt 3 Jesus declares the year of Jubilee02/02/20 A study in Luke - pt. 4 Jesus shows His compassion02/09/20 A study in Luke - pt 5 Jesus brings new teachings02/23/20 A study in Luke - pt 7 Blessings and woes03/08/20 A study in Luke - pt 9 Jesus' compassion on display03/15/20 A study in Luke pt 10 - Receive God's Word and let it shine05/31/20 Today is the day of Pentecost06/07/20 Let us be merciful06/14/20 A study in Luke pt 11 - Jesus calms the storm06/28/20 A study in Luke pt. 13 - Luke 8 40-5607/05/20 A study in Luke pt 14 - Luke 9 1-607/12/20 A study in Luke pt 15 Feeding the 500007/26/20 A study in Luke pt 17 - Deny yourself08/02/20 A study in Luke pt 18 - Jesus transfigured08/09/20 A study in Luke pt 19 - Faith08/16/ 20 A study in Luke pt 20 - childlike faith08/30/20 A study in Luke pt 22 Let us seek peace and good will09/06/20 A study in Luke pt 23 Don't hesitate, don't look back09/13/20 A study in Luke pt 24 Jesus sends out the 1209/20/20 A study in Luke pt 25 Rejoice in being a child of God09/27/20 Elder Larry Muirhead - Fogiveness10/04/20 A study in Luke pt 26 The Good Samaritan11/08/20 A study in Luke pt 29 The Lord's Prayer (3)11/15/20 A study in Luke pt 30 The Lord's prayer (4)11/22/20 A study in Luke pt31 The Lord's Prayer (4)11/29/20 A study in Luke pt 32 The Lord's Prayer (5)12/13/20 Keep this gift or return it12/20/20 sermon What makes a great gift12/24/20 Christmas Eve - Receive the gift of God 01/02/11 We are called out of Egypt01/09/11 Passing the Mantle05/15/11 We Are Forgiven 250202 sermon Galatians 5 - Be thankful for a kingdom that cannot be shaken (orig 170122)250112 sermon Galatians 4 - Don't fall back into working for your salvation (orig 161113)250105 sermon Jesus the Messiaht revealed to Gentile world (orig '20 +4)241229 sermon Jesus the Christ revealed to God's chosen people (orig '20+4)241224 sermon Receive the gift241222 sermon What makes a great gift241215 sermon Keep this gift or return it241208 sermon The Unexpected Gift (orig 201206)241201sermon Galatians 4 We are the sons of God (by Larry - orig '16)241124 Galatians 3 The law and the promise cooperate (by Larry - orig '16)_0102_01241117 sermon Galatians 3 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law241110 sermon Galatians 2 Do not set aside the Grace of God (orig 160925)241027 sermon Galatians 1_13-24 Paul is called by God (orig 160911)241020 sermon Elder Ken Rosander Whose days are they241013 sermon Elder Ken Rosander Can one be holy and unclean241006 sermon Galatians 1;1-12 There is no other gospel240929 sermon Elder Ken Rosander The Holy or profane240922 sermon 1 Peter 5;10-14 Be hopeful240915 sermon 1 Peter 5_8-9 Be watchful about our enemy240908 sermon 1 Peter 5_5-7 Humble ourselves before God and one another240901 1 Peter 5_1-4 We are all called to lead as servants240825 sermon 1 Peter 4_7-13 We will all suffer, so suffer for Christ240811 sermonTransform us, use us, O God our Father240818 1 Peter 4_4-11 sermon Love for God through Christ, even if it means to suffer240804 sermon Eat the flesh, drink the blood of the Son of Man_0102_01240728 sermon Elder Ken Rosander We learn God's will for us through a personal relationship with Jesus240721 sermon Elder Ken Rosander Paul's writings are hard to understand and therefore easily twisted240714 sermon Elder Ken Rosander240707 seermon Elder Larry Muirhead Psalm 91240630 sermon Pray for our missionaries240630 CSU evangelists Andrew_Annie Lord Testimony of evangelism on CSU campus240616 sermon Elder Larry Muirhead Psalm 23240609 sermon 1 Peter 3:17-22 The Great Flood is a picture of baptism240602 sermon 1 Peter 3_13-20 We suffer to show us our need for God240526 sermon 1 Peter 3_13-17 Fear God, not Man. Be a witness for Christ!240519 sermon The day of Pentecost is here240512 sermon 1 Peter 3:8-15 Lessons on how to live as a follower of Christ240505 sermon 1 Peter 3:1-7 Wives and husbands, submit to one another240428 sermon Elder Ken Rosander discussion 'Why did Jesus have to come to earth?'240421 sermon 1 Peter 2_18-25 Jesus is the Shepherd and Overseer of our souls240414 1 Peter 2_13-17 sermon For the Lord's sake, submit to civil authorities240331 sermon Resurrection Sunday - Believers in Jesus Christ are saved from slavery to sin240324 sermon Palm Sunday - The prophecy of the Messiah coming into Jerusalem is fulfilled240317 sermon 1 Peter 2_11-12 Let our good deeds glorify God240303 sermon 1 Peter 2_6-10 We are a chosen people240225 sermon 1 Peter 2_4-5 Let us bring spiritual sacrifices to God240225 Guest Maria Tell Survivor and now rescuer of sex trafficking240218 1 Peter 1_22-2_3 We are redeemed240211 sermon 1 Peter 10_21 Be holy, because I am holy240128 sermon 1 Peter 1_1-5 Peter's letter of encouragement to the Diaspora240121 sermon William Areola Point others to Jesus pt 2240107 sermon William Areola Point others to Jesus231231 sermon Elder Ken Rosander 191229sermon Jesus revealed to the Jewish people191224 sermon Christmas Eve - What did Jesus say about His birth191222 sermon This is the season that ushers in peace with God191215 sermon Who is Jesus Christ191208 sermon The Word became flesh191201 sermon Let us have ears to hear what the Spirit of the Lord says191124 semon Daniel rescued by the Living God191117 sermon Daniel, wise man of God191110 sermon Josiah, Judah's last good king191103 sermon Communion - What is it we are to remember191027 sermon Judges - Samson is born to begin the deliverance of Israel191020 sermon Judges - Abimelech to Jephthah191013 sermon Reluctantly, Gideon becomes Israel's judge191006 sermon The cycle of disobedience and repentence190929 sermon Nahum - The consequences of negligence190922 sermon Pastor Rodney Foster - Read God's Word and do what it says190915 sermon David and Goliath190908 sermon Saul falters and fails and David is made king of Israel190901 sermon Saul is made king of Israel190825 sermon The Word of God is life190818 sermon Jeremiah 41-44 - Know and obey God's Word190811 sermon Standing on God's Word190804 sermon Matt. 13 - Are you seeking God's Word190728 sermon Daily consume God's Word190721 sermon Elder Ken Rosander190707 sermon Knowing and speaking God's Word190630 sermon The power of God's Word190623 sermon Learn and denounce what blocks effective prayer - pt. 2190616 Elder Ken Rosander - God calls us to repent and receive His blessings190609 sermon The day of Pentecost is here (orig. 160515)190602 sermon Learn and denounce what blocks effective prayer190526 sermon Establish a habit of prayer190519 sermon What is prayer190512 sermon Honor thy mother190505 sermon Why should we pray190428 sermon We must pray for our missionaries190421 sermon Jesus is risen and He is Lord190414 sermon Palm Sunday, the fulfillment of prophecy190407 sermon Elder Larry Muirhead-To be spiritually minded, from carnal to spiritual190331 sermon Elder Ken Rosander190324 sermon Rodney Foster, guest - Rejoice in the Lord always190317 sermon Elder Ken Rosander - Letter from Aristides190310 sermon Find joy in your relationship to God through serving others in His Name190224 sermon Greatness in God's kingdom is serving others in His Name190217 sermon complete joy comes from knowing you are forgiven190210 sermon God shows us His great love is reason to rejoice190203 sermon We rejoice in the hope of the glory of God190127 sermon Understanding the proof of salvation190120 sermon Philippians 4_4-9 - part 2190113 Philippians 4 - What great lessons God gives us here190106 sermon Jesus the Messiah revealed to the Gentile world